Small Acts of Kindness

"People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." -Steve Jobs.
Something deep inside all of us wants to “make the world a better place”. It feels good to know we’ve helped someone in a time of need. For some of us, this is our purpose in life. Take a moment today and through a small act of kindness, brighten someones day. Make a child smile. Be kind to an underpaid yet overworked waitress. Show empathy to someone who has an unexpected loss. Encourage a friend who needs support. Smile and genuinely ask your cashier how his or her day is. Listen to those who talk to you and just treat others as you would want to be treated. You’ll be surprised how good it will make you feel but you can also end your day knowing you made a difference in someone’s life today.
These are the things that can change the world. ❤️