Communication is Key
Learning to communicate effectively is a vital skill to have and continually work on for both your professional career but also personally. Employers won’t hire you based on your resume alone any more. How you convey your insights and present a strong character are also considered. How you carry yourself in an interview reflects your communication skills. Most successful people would attest that they didn’t land an executive position by excelling in academics alone. No matter how good you are in school or on paper, the corporate world is a different arena.
Want to improve your communication skills?
Be Goal-Driven
You should set a goal that will pave the way to learn more about the field of work you are involved in. networking events are also venues to practice your communication skills. You learn to be a better communicator when you interact with people who speak the “same” language. Don’t project yourself as an expert, present yourself an eager newbie so seasoned professionals can share a tip or two. Always remember to be enthusiastic and eager to learn. These two qualities will help set you apart as a good communicator.
Show your Character
An in-person meeting will always bring out your best. It’s an opportunity to project your character through your gestures and insights. If you're meeting someone for the first time, they will remember answer questions, but for how you deliver your answers. Are you answers well considered and delivered fluently? While other applicants may have better transcripts or training results, a potential employer will always remember you if you exude a confident and thoughtful character.
Encourage Yourself
Most people seeking career advancement won’t bother to reach out to someone who can actually help them. Be different and stand out. For instance, the social networking platform LinkedIn doesn’t mind if you’re just a student or an employee. You can create a LinkedIn page so you can learn more about your field. Keep in mind that you’re on LinkedIn to broaden your network and learn industry trends, if you’ve just registered on LinkedIn to get a job and ask people to hire you then you’re taking a wrong turn. Engaging in LinkedIn Groups that are relevant to your course will complement your knowledge, don’t be scared to ask about a specific topic and interact with other users.
Politely Share your Opinions
Great communication starts by looking someone in the eye while you speak. It requires listening carefully, clarfing any uncertainties, and politely sharing your opinions. It’s easy for anyone to say but few actually practice it. You need to show that you’re passionate about what you’re doing – be it your job, an advocacy, or even your hobby. If you’re scheduled for an interview, be sure that you’ve prepared questions that the interviewer might ask you. This will help you to be sure of what you’ll answer and how you deliver it.
Send a Follow-Up Letter
One of the best, yet most underrated, practices in effective communication is how you thank an employer, participants, and other networkers. Sending a hand written thank you note after an interview or a networking event is always a good way to remind someone that their presence is appreciated. If you’re the one receiving a thank you letter from someone getting started, don’t ignore them! They might be useful contacts once they’ve established themselves in their careers. Its always worthwhile supporting people and leaving behind a trail of people who like you and would like to work with you again.
We all live in such a busy world but we can all hone our communication skills and become better at conveying our thoughts and insights to others. Always keep in mind that effective communication starts by being authentic, showing character, listening and being at ease in how you deliver your answers.